Why Does Alpaca Gear Come With a Higher Price Tag?

Why Does Alpaca Gear Come With a Higher Price Tag?

Alpaca gear, whether it's clothing, blankets, or accessories, can be quite expensive compared to other materials. There are several reasons why this is the case, but we'll explore some of the main factors that contribute to the cost of alpaca gear.

High-quality fiber: Alpaca wool is a luxurious and high-quality fiber that is known for being soft, warm, and durable. Unlike other types of wool, alpaca wool is hypoallergenic and doesn't contain lanolin, which makes it a great option for people with sensitive skin. However, this high quality also comes with a higher price tag.

Limited supply: Alpacas are not as common as other livestock animals, and they are primarily found in South America. This limited supply means that there is a higher demand for alpaca wool, which in turn drives up the price. Additionally, alpacas only produce a certain amount of wool each year, so there is a finite supply available.

Labor-intensive production: Producing alpaca gear is a labor-intensive process that involves shearing the animals, cleaning and sorting the wool, and processing it into yarn or fabric. This process can be more time-consuming and expensive than other types of wool production, which contributes to the higher cost of alpaca gear.

Fair trade and sustainability: Many alpaca gear producers are committed to fair trade and sustainability practices (like us!), which means they pay their workers fair wages and use environmentally-friendly production methods. Our gear in particular, is handmade, which takes more time and skill. While this is a positive thing, it also means that the cost of production is higher, which is reflected in the price of the final product. 

While the cost may be a barrier for some, it's important to remember that purchasing alpaca gear supports ethical and sustainable practices. Plus, by sourcing items directly from artisans, CAMPO is able to pass that discount onto our customers. A win-win for all!

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