What is Fair Trade?

What is Fair Trade?

By:  Mallory Stock

Every year in May, The World Fair Trade day is a time to celebrate solutions for both people and planet. This day commemorates innovations that create opportunities, empower people, and help save the planet.  Happy Fair Trade Day!

But what exactly is fair trade?

Being a fair trade company, we get asked this question many times. Fair trade is about fair terms for workers/farmers in developing countries. It is about better prices, better working conditions, and local sustainability. It is fairness when it comes to trade.

Fair trade goes against the conventional practices of trade, where poor workers are discriminated against and taken advantage of. Fair trade also promotes sustainable practices. There are fairtrade standards that farmers must abide by, and this has led to good agricultural practices and environmentally sustainable production. These standards strive to mitigate climate change and save our planet.

A few fun facts about fair trade are that 23% of farmers/workers in fair trade are women. By employing mainly women, we fight to increase this number. Additionally, there are 1.66 million farmers/workers that are in the Fairtrade system. This shows how big of an impact fair trade makes on so many lives. We are proud to be a part of this incredible way of practicing trade.

Here at Campo, we refuse to practice conventional ways of trade. Campo is built on our belief in providing fair terms to our workers. We empower women in Peru by hiring them to make our clothing, along with providing good working conditions and fair wages for these workers. Additionally, by making high quality clothing that is not fast fashion, we are engaging in sustainable practices that fair trade tries to promote.

Through fair trade practices business can and should be a force force good to create positive change in communities around the world!


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