Once Every Four Years - LEAP YEAR

Once Every Four Years - LEAP YEAR

Hello Everyone,

Writing to you all from Arequipa Peru!  I am here for a week working with a lovely collective of ladies and my good friend Patricia Arfinengo on our new products for 2020!  SO exciting! Before that I was in Lima with the amazing Milagros, whose team makes all of our sweaters, hoodies, and soon to come… Cardigans 😊! 

With this Leap Year, (which has me consistently messing up my schedule because I am not used to it’s existence), I came to thinking… The next time this comes around will be 2024!  Campo got started 2 years ago and it seems like such a long time ago and a short time ago at the same time.  Where will we be in 2024?  Where do I want us to be in 2024?

Reflecting backwards and looking forwards…

  • I want Campo to have grown 3-4x over
  • I want to have found investors that believe in our missions and our products
  • I want to have expanded to other schools or brands to share our product line
  • Expand to other countries!

Here’s what I KNOW

  • Ethical fashion and fair trade is the way. My goal:  Fair trade isn’t even a “thing” anymore, because all businesses function this way
  • Commerce can be a fantastic driving force to build communities in developing communities – It’s a responsibility to do this
  • ALPACA is an amazing fiber – We hope to bring it to the consumers among other great materials and sustainable products!

I am so happy and grateful to be on this journey that let’s me learn, meet new people, and create new exciting products.  Here’s to the next 4 years!

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