12 Days of Thanks!

12 Days of Thanks!

Hello Friends! 

Katie Lorenz, the Founder of Campo, here!  I wanted to wrap up this year a little differently.  This year I learned many things.  I learned about all of the difficulties and excitement of running a company and building a brand – I also learned (via Google) that the 12 days of Christmas are not actually leading up to it but it actually begins following Christmas.  Maybe ya’ll knew that, but it was news to me.  Although I am two days behind, I am making this 12+ days of gratitude.  It will be roughly 12 days… which will likely run over because I have SO many people that I am grateful for and to thank for their help with CAMPO.  

“No one who achieves success does so without the help of others. The wise and confident acknowledge this help with gratitude.”
– Alfred North Whitehead

While I admit I am not the best at asking for help, I am improving and this quote is completely true.  Starting a business is amazing, exciting, exhausting, and scary.  One of my favorite things about this experience is that almost everyone that I know has offered some sort of help… advice, encouragement, learnings, support, interest, etc. 

Starting Campo (and keeping it going) is and will be one of the greatest accomplishments of my life.

Here's to anther fantastic year!  

Katie Lorenz


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